Monthly Archives: July 2012

Defending the Faculty Lounge

Stephen L. Carter defends university faculty (“In Defense of the Faculty Lounge“) in light of the recent political attacks.

The right to defend your record

It looks like a faculty member won the right to defend himself (“Adjunct wins right to learn name of student critic“).

Being online means never having to say “I’m not in”

Just make that a student email and you get a feel for the kind of pressure some faculty are feeling to be accessible online 24/7.

Pearls before Swine 7/18/2012

Pearls Before Swine Comic Strip, July 18, 2012 on

Non-Standardized Tests

Because posting comics is so much easier than posting articles…

F Minus Comic Strip, July 01, 2012 on

Doonesbury on completion

Today’s Doonesbury  bring Jefferson (briefly) into the discussion of degree completion .

Doonesbury Comic Strip, July 01, 2012 on